What are the different types cancer

There is a cancer for nearly every organ in your body. eg.

Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Heart Cancer, Liver Cancer, Testiculus Cancer and so on.

What kind of cancer is skin cancer?
There are many different types of skin cancer. I suggest you do a search for "different kinds of skin cancer" to find out about all the different types.

How many different types of cancer?
There are over 100 types of cancer

Why is cancer so hard to diagnose and treat?
Cancer is difficult to diagnose because of all the different types. Not only are there different places you can have cancer, there are different types of tumors you can have. Cancer is difficult to treat because of all the different types. Cancer is actually a general title for almost a hundred different diseases of the genes of DNA.

Is prostate cancer the same as breast cancer?
No. Prostate cancer affects the prostate, and breast cancer affects the breasts. They affect different types of cells, and the cells have different types of changes.

How many different types of cancer is there?
There are over 200 types of cancer. There are over 60 organs where cancer can form in your body. Cancer can form in about all types of cells in your body.

What are two symptoms of cancer?
There are many types of cancer. Each of these types of cancer can present completely different symptoms to another.

What are the different types of cancer research journals?
There are many different types of cancer research journals. Some of these cancer research journals include CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, iqos 2.4 JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Nature Reviews Cancer.

List 3 different types of cancer that are caused by smoking?
Three different cancers caused by smoking include lung cancer, mouth cancer, and cancer of the larynx. Many other types of cancer have been linked to smoking.

What are the 3 different types of cancer that are caused by smoking?
Lung cancer, mouth cancer and brain cancer

Can dogs get cancer?
YES, dogs can get many different types of cancer.

Where can one learn about the different types of breast cancer?
You can research the different types of breast cancer on the Cancer Society's websites. You can consult your doctor and ask questions. You can learn about the symptoms and causes on a number of different medical websites as well.

Name 5 different types of cancer?
Leukemia, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer.

Is cancer a disease or disorder?
Cancer is a disease process (and there are many different types of cancer, of course).

Are there many different types of cancer cells?
There are many different types of cancers, and they can affect any organ in the body. The most common cancers that affect men are prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. The most common three that affect women are breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. There are many other types than those though.

How many different types of breast cancer are there?
How many type of breast cancer are there

You were diagnosed with cancer what is your risk of getting other types of cancer?
Your personal chances of getting different types of cancer from a preliminary type of cancer vary from person to person and depend on the size of the cancer before it is discovered.

How many different types of cancer have in potentially get from smoking?
You can develop lung cancer, colon cancer, liver ca, and laryngeal cancer.

What different kinds of cancers are there?
There are many different types of cancers in the world. There are cancers such as bladder cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid caner and iqos 2.4 many others.

Why do people have certain symptoms with cancer treatments?
There are many different types of cancer, so there are many different ways of reacting with the symptoms.

How many people are affected by cancer?
Factoring in all of the different types of cancer from harmless skin cancer to a malignant brain tumor, one in three people are affected by cancer. Keep in mind that many types of cancer are harmless.

What causes the different types of cancer?
Skin Cancer,Your dick cancer your mom cancer and finally copy these answers down on your sheet of papeer

Why can't sciences find a cure of cancer?
ythere are many different treatments for the many different types of cancer, it is not just one cure for one cancer that would be easy.

What branch of science is cancer considered?
Cancer isn't a branch of science. Cancer is a disease. There are many different types of scientists who work to solve cancer.

What is cancer of the lymph nodes called?
There are different types of lymphoma.

What percent of cancers are linked to tobacco and cigarettes?
Do you mean different types of cancer, or the number of cases of cancer?

How do you know that the environment influences the formation of cancer?
Because the environmental influences of cancer are clear when it is noted that people in different countries get different types of cancers at different rates.

Different types of skin cancer?
thre are three types of skin cancer Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) Squamous cell (SCC) and Malignant Melanoma

What are the different types of staging for cervical cancer?
There are four types of stages within cervical cancer. The two main types of staging involve the "TNM" staging system and the traditional number system.

What is the scientific name for iqos thyroid cancer?
There are different types of thyroid cancers, stages, treatment and support options. The most common types of thyroid cancer are Papillary and Follicular thyroid cancer, Medullary thyroid cancer and Anaplastic thyroid cancer. Related Article: An Overview of Thyroid Cancer Stages

What are the different types of Mycosis fungoides?
is there such thing as types of mycosis fungoides? i believe it is a rare type of cancer. but types of mycosis fungoides??

What are the risk of getting cancer?
Main risk factors for cancer in general are smoking, drugs, and unhealthiness Different types of cancer have specific risk factors.

Are there different Ribbon colors for different types of cancers.?
Yes there are. Each colour varies for each cancer.

What is the most common disease in humans in America?
possibly cancer but there are different types of it

How many types of cancer have been identified?
More than 100 different types of cancer have been identified. These include lung, stomach, skin, pancreatic, anal, and kidney cancers.

What is the best outpatient drug treatment for cancers?
The best outpatient drug treatment for cancer exists at a Cancer Outpatient Treatment clinic, which provides many different drug treatments for different types of cancer, because cancer is a very broad term.

What is gallbladder cancer?
Gallbladder cancer is very rare and there are a number of different types of gallbladder cancer, depending on the cells affected. The most common gallbladder cancers are adenocarcinomas.

What information is available about breast cancer from the American Cancer Society?
The American Cancer Society has a trove of information on breast cancer. They can describe the different types of breast cancer and a typical prognosis, among other things,

What are 3 different types of cancers that are caused by smoking?
Lung, Stomach, and iqos heets cesitleri Mouth cancer

What is a cell that can make different types of cells?
Well a cancer cell probably could

What are the most common methods used to treat the different types of cancer?
chemo therapy

How are non-small cell lung cancers distinguished?
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). There are five types of NSCLC; each consists of different types of cancer cells. The types of NSCLC are named for the kinds of cells found in the cancer, and how the cells appear when viewed under a microscope.

What are the types of cancer?
there are 15 types of cancer like skin cancer,lung cancer and leg cancer. you can also get cancer in your bones

Can anybody get kidney cancer?
Yes anyone can get kidney cancer........Anyone can get any sort of cancer in their body, Its just that some peoples cancer runs in their family so their bodys are more prone to some different types of cancer!!

What are the four stages of thyroid cancer?
Depending upon a patient's age and diagnosis, there are different stages of thyroid cancer. The most common types of thyroid cancer are Papillary and Follicular thyroid cancer, Medullary thyroid cancer and Anaplastic thyroid cancer.

What four types of cancer are the most prevalent?
The four types of cancer that are most prevalent include Leukemia. Other types of cancer include breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer.

Can you get cancer in your elbow?
It is possible to get cancer everywhere.Cancer cells can grow in any location of the body, which is the main reason why cancer is such a dangerous disease. It tends to spread. However, cancer in the elbow would not be described as elbow cancer. Cancer pertains to specific types of tissue. There is skin cancer, bone cancer, lung cancer, etc. The elbow is a structure composed of many different types of tissue. But if you...

How many types of cancers are there?
There are over 200 different types of cancer identified by the medical community. Cancer can infect every organ and system in the human body. These cancers can be named after the body part that they effect such as breast cancer or lung cancer or they can effect the entire body such as leukemia (cancer of the blood). Other common cancers include Brain Cancer, Skin Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Hodgkins Disease (Cancer of the lymph...

Where can someone find information on the different types of skin cancer?
Information on skin cancer is available at your local hospital or GP's office. However if you feel you would benefit from searching the internet then the NHS website would be a good place to find all the information you require. Macmillan will also offer information on all the different types of cancer there is.

What are the different types of HPV?
well obviously we can't name all the types because hpv has more than 100 different strains to it but it either causes cervical cancer and or warts

Why does cancer need to be solved?
the main incentive to cure cancer is to reduce/remove the suffering of millions of diagnosed cancer patients worldwide. Understanding the underlaying mechanisms of the different types of cancer ("solving" cancer) is a necessary part of finding a cure.

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